Missionary trips

Proy Baja
Missionary outreach to migrants in Culiacan
Proy Jalisco
Proy Hermosillo
Proy Guanajuato
Proy Chihua

In recent decades, internal migration in Mexico has increased. A large number of families decide to leave their hometowns in the highlands and mountains of the country in search of work as day laborers. The main destinations are those areas of the country where there are large agricultural fields that require labor.

This migratory phenomenon creates a large concentration of ethnolinguistic groups in relatively small agricultural areas and this is strategically used by Buenas Nuevas Recordings to carry out different evangelistic and outreach projects to the ethnic groups of the country.

Year after year, Buenas Nuevas staff and a small army of volunteers leave their churches and cities to concentrate for a short period of time in a base camp and carry out these projects, which consist of sharing the gospel in the migrants' native language using different media and technologies, such as WiFi networks, film screenings, personal evangelism and dynamics with children.

Come to one of these projects...

Missionary outreach to migrants in Culiacan

Culiacan Project - 2025
For 35 years the Good News Recordings team has visited the agricultural fields of the Culiacan Valley, a place that is home to approximately 100 agricultural camps where day laborers are housed, these farm workers come every season to harvest tomatoes and other agricultural products. The vast majority of them are speakers of a native or indigenous language, sometimes referred to as dialects. Buenas Nuevas has produced biblical resources (biblical stories, audiovisuals and bible portions) in audio formats. Since its inception in 1939, Buenas Nuevas, known at the time as Gospel Recordings, has been interested in getting these resources to indigenous speakers in an efficient and culturally appropriate manner, being indigenous to the oral culture. With that in mind we have distributed the resources on various devices, today through digital media.

So throughout these years we have distributed, for the glory of God, some hundreds of thousands of resources for many families, who have been attracted by the gospel and convinced by the Holy Spirit to be born again. The scriptures tell us: One is he who sows and another is he who reaps but the growth is given by God, our task is not only to produce resources in audio, we sow the gospel through these resources, we can trust God and his work that he will give the growth as well as raise those who irrigate or harvest. Come and join this beautiful work of sowing the gospel among the hundreds and thousands of indigenous families in the valley of Culiacan but also in other projects throughout the Mexican Republic, ask for reports of each project or mission trip through the contact form.

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